Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints. – Psalm 116:15, ESV
This is an awesome verse. It makes me think of the wonderful reception I will receive when I finally die in Christ. God will certainly greet me happily. He will welcome me home. My coming home to Him will be precious in His sight.
But might there be another meaning to this verse. I notice that the verb is singular, not plural but that “saints” is plural. What is going on here? Well, I am reminded of Ephesians 4:5, “one Lord, one faith, one baptism.” And of Romans and Colossians which tell us we died and were buried with Christ in our baptism.
Could this be what this verse refers to? Well, considering it was written hundreds of years before Jesus instituted Christian Baptism it is unlikely. But oh, how it fits. In this “one baptism” we receive all the benefits of a single death – the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. We receive His righteousness and true faith. And we receive the resurrection in a “now/not yet” way. It is this singular “death of His saints,” the death of Jesus, that the LORD holds precious. The death of His Son on a cross as atonement for all their sins. The death we receive in our baptism. The death that saves us and gives us life.
Therefore, for those of us who have been baptized - who have been given the gift of sharing in Christ’s death on the cross, and guaranteed a resurrection like His - we know that we are truly “precious in the sight of the LORD,” now and not yet.
We pray – Dearest Jesus, thank You for coming to die for us, for sharing Your death with us in our baptism, and for preparing a resurrection like Yours for us on the last day. Help to live in this new life in humble obedience to Your will until we return to You or You return to us. In Your holy Name we pray.
- Amen