Veteran's Day Breakfast & Recognition ceremony 11/10/22, 7:30am breakfast, 8:30am chapel-Pastor David shared that Teresa asked that he announce that we are invited to chapel at the St. Paul elementary school in Farmington, on Friday 11/10/2022 at 8:30am. The children will be singing, led by Teresa. Breakfast for Veteran's will be served at  7:30am. 

Season of Hope-Michelle Jones shared that we plan to  provide holiday gift cards to purchase Christmas gifts for the children of 2 families who live in poverty. This is through the 'Season of Hope' effort coordinated by St. Francois County Community Partnership. Trinity has supported this coordinated effort annually for several years now. The preferred gift card amount is $25. Michelle also shared that you may donate any amount and designate it for 'Helping Hands Christmas', and Del will make sure these donations will be pooled together in the appropriate gift card amounts.

Trinity Youth Group Paint Party Fundraiser 11/18/2022-Kristen Troup shared the details about the upcoming fundraiser.

Prayer Request & Update for Mona -Del shared an update on Mona, choir director of Zion Lutheran Hillsboro and friend of many. She suffered a severe head injury from a recent fall and is showing progress of healing. Please continue to keep her in your prayers.

Stewardship Committee-Del shared that they will meet today, immediately  after worship, in the fellowship hall.