Youth Fundraiser update-Pastor Schmitt shared that the Paint Party fundraiser was a lot of fun and well attended. We raised $325! 

Special Worship Services-Pastor encouraged everyone to plan to attend the Thanksgiving Eve Service, Wed. 11/23/22 at 6:30pm. Also, Advent Services will be held Sundays at 4pm, followed by a fellowship potluck meal.

Food Donated-Del shared that food had been donated to our church family, designated to be offered to anyone in our congregation who might need this resource. Del asked those present to consider who may need this and the items were available to take today. Any items remaining will be donated to the food pantry.

Church Officers for 2023-Del shared that next month we would be electing Church Council members for 2023. He asked for all to prayerfully consider serving in these roles and that if anyone was interested, to please let him or any current member know. 

No Choirs or Confirmation classes meeting on 11/23/22.