Dec. 3rd, '22 Merry & Bright dinner and auction fundraiser for St. Paul Lutheran High School-Duane reminded all of this fundraiser and directed those interested to find out more at the St. Paul Lutheran High School website. This information is also posted on the Trinity website.  

Financial situation-Duane shared that we are currently challenged with falling short of the needed funds to cover our 2022 church budget. Please consider helping us meet these needs as the Lord leads you. The budget committee is currently reviewing the 2022 year to date income and expense report in order to plan for the 2023 TLC budget. Pastor May also asked us to prayerfully consider the financial needs of the church.

Nov. 18th, '22-Youth Group fundraiser-Dinner and Paint party-Pastor David reminded all that the youth fund raiser was coming up this Friday. The dinner will start at 5:30pm and we'll paint soon after! 

Mineral Area College Meal Ministry tonight-Pastor David reminded all that we now provide a meal for the on campus/international students every 2nd Sunday evening of the fall and winter months. We will meet at MAC at 6pm and anyone who would like to help us is welcome. 

Tuesday Evening Divine Service, 11/14/22, 7:30pm-Pastor David reminded all that this service is available every 1st and 3rd Tuesdays.

Elders meeting, Tuesday 11/14/22, 5:30-Del announced the upcoming Elders meeting and shared that the food pantry items will go to Bonne Terre this week

Advent Devotions-Del shared that Advent devotional material is available for members on the resource table in the fellowship hall.

Advent Services schedule-Pastor May shared that during Advent season, we will have Advent Services on Sundays at 4pm, followed by a potluck fellowship meal.